Company also donates $10,000 to The Grey Muzzle Organization to benefit senior dogs as part of 10 th anniversary event at AVMA

July 24, 2017
INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) today presented the first VETMEDIN® Cardiology Pioneer Award to Steven Wolchinsky, DVM, of Rocky Gorge Animal Hospital in Laurel, Md. Dr. Wolchinsky accepted the award at the American Veterinary Medical Association’s annual convention in Indianapolis. The Cardiology Pioneer Award is in recognition of all the veterinarians and specialists who care for dogs with congestive heart failure (CHF) and help those dogs have
the opportunity for better days and longer lives.1

Michael Hamby, head of the BI U.S. Pet Veterinary Business, also presented a $10,000 donation to Lisa Lunghofer, Ph.D. and executive director of The Grey Muzzle Organization, on behalf of Dr. Wolchinsky and BI. The Grey Muzzle Organization is a not-for- profit group providing funding for programs to support senior dogs in the U.S.

“With VETMEDIN, BI is proud to help dogs with CHF have the opportunity for longer lives and, most importantly, a better quality of life through appropriate treatment,” Hamby said. “Dr. Wolchinsky is an ideal candidate for the first Cardiology Pioneer Award because he is knowledgeable about the science behind VETMEDIN and its use as part of a treatment program for appropriate patients.”

“Through this award, we hope to inspire more veterinarians to take a greater interest in cardiology,” Hamby added. “By partnering with veterinary cardiologists, GPs can help their at-risk canine CHF patients and the clients who love them.”

The Cardiology Pioneer Award was created to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the launch of VETMEDIN in the United States as part of the brand’s “Decade of Difference” year-long celebration.

“There have been significant advances in diagnosis as well as treatment of CHF over the past 10 years,” Wolchinsky said. “I am honored to accept this award and am most appreciative to BI for this recognition. At Rocky Gorge Animal Hospital, we continually aim to identify cardiac cases that are advancing toward CHF.”

“Our sonographer Debbie Burnett is helping lead the charge in early detection and plays a critical role in our success with these cases. With the advances in diagnosis and data from clinical studies, we can now more easily identify which are appropriate cases to begin treating with VETMEDIN. These patients are living longer and more comfortable lives.”

Donation to help senior dogs
CHF is a progressive disease that affects about 10 percent of all dogs, and the percentage dramatically increases with age.

“We are delighted to accept this generous donation from BI and Dr. Wolchinsky,” Lunghofer said. “The Grey Muzzle Organization’s mission is to help senior dogs so we appreciate BI’s commitment to developing VETMEDIN and improving quality of life for dogs affected by CHF, many of whom are seniors. As veterinary advances and drugs like VETMEDIN help dogs live longer, Grey Muzzle is working to ensure homeless senior dogs’ golden years are healthy and happy.”

About The Grey Muzzle Organization
The Grey Muzzle Organization envisions a world where no old dog dies alone and afraid. Grey Muzzle is dedicated to helping homeless senior dogs by providing funding and resources to animal welfare organizations nationwide.

Vetmedin (pimobendan) is indicated for the management of the signs of mild, moderate, or severe (modified NYHA Class IIa, IIIb,or IVc) congestive heart failure in dogs due to atrioventricular valvularin sufficiency (AVVI) or dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).

More information about VETMEDIN is available at To learn more about the VETMEDIN “Decade of Difference” campaign and meet dogs who have benefited from the medication, go to

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: Use only in dogs with clinical evidence of heart failure. The most common side effects reported in field studies were poor appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, dyspnea, azotemia, weakness and ataxia. If side effects should occur, pet owners should contact their veterinarian. The safety of VETMEDIN has not been established in dogs with asymptomatic heart disease or in heart failure caused by etiologies other than atrioventricular valvular
insufficiency or dilated cardiomyopathy. The safe use of VETMEDIN has not been evaluated in dogs younger than 6 months of age, dogs with congenital heart defects, dogs with diabetes mellitus or other serious metabolic diseases, dogs used for breeding, or pregnant or lactating bitches. Please refer to the packaging insert for completed product information or visit


1 Lombard CW, Jöns O, Bussadori CM; for the VetSCOPE Study. Clinical efficacy of pimobendan versus benazepril for the treatment of acquired atrioventricular valvular disease in dogs. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 2006;42(4):249–261.