Get your cat to the vet!

Promoting preventive healthcare for cats, that is what Boehringer Ingelheim aims at with the Cat’Xpert initiative. To achieve this, it helps veterinarians to educate cat owners about feline health. Why is preventive care so important for cats? 

Despite being the most popular pet in many countries, cats still receive far less veterinary care than dogs. In a study from 2018, 85 percent of dogs in the US annually visited a veterinarian – compared to only 65 percent of cats1. That’s because veterinary visits can often be highly stressful for both cat and cat owner.

“Cats are also masters at hiding signs of pain and disease,” shares Sandrine Lacherade, Global Marketing Director Pet Vet Vaccines, who is leading the Cat’Xpert initiative. “It’s a protective mechanism against predators.” This behavior, although useful in the wild, makes it difficult for pet owners to spot that something is off with their cat.

At least once a year, take your cat to the vet!

Through education and awareness, the Cat’Xpert team wants to make sure cat owners take their cat for a check-up at least once every year. “You have to be aware that cats age more rapidly than people,” highlights Sophie Randoux, Head of Global Pet Vet Vaccines. “If your cat has a health check only every three years, that’s the same as you seeing a doctor every 15-20 years!”

“By undertaking routine preventive healthcare, from the time your cat is a kitten to old age, you can ensure your cat stays as healthy as possible,” elaborates her colleague Marielle Servonnet, Global Technical Director Pet Vet Parasiticides. Cat’Xpert offers guidance to pet owners on how to achieve the best health results for their cats. One way of doing so is the “My Cat Health Booklet”, available at many veterinary clinics. It gives cat owners an easy overview of the different life stages of cats, because at every stage, cats have specific health needs.

Promoting cat-friendly clinics

To lower the emotional hurdle cat owners often have to overcome before going to the vet, it’s important that veterinary clinics do their utmost to be cat-friendly. There are simple steps veterinarians can take to ease their feline patients’ nerves before, during, and after examination. As a rule of thumb: when it comes to cats, gentleness is always key!

Boehringer Ingelheim partners with a number of leading feline veterinary associations all around the world, sponsoring programs and promoting the medicalization of cats. We are also the exclusive pharmaceutical company partner of CatCareforlife. “By collaborating with key opinion leaders and expert institutions, we can multiply our reach and be a strong voice for specialized feline healthcare,” shares Jean-Philippe Tronel, Senior Global Technical Director, Pet Vaccines. 

Cats need strong advocates

“Boehringer Ingelheim is uniquely qualified to advocate for better cat health. Our portfolio is one of a kind as it really includes products developed specifically for cats,” explains Daga Polotzek, Global Marketing  Director Pet Vet Therapeutics Solutions. “This sets us apart from our competition.” 
Our in-house expertise together with strong partnerships can make a difference for cats all around the world.

Sandrine concludes: “Cat owners everywhere only want the best for their cats, and for them to live long, healthy lives. We can help cat owners achieve that by providing them with the knowledge and tools they need and we support veterinarians in promoting preventive feline healthcare.” 


1Data on file

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