企業起源與進程 History

1885 年,艾爾伯特·百靈佳 (Albert Boehringer) (1861-1939) 在萊茵河畔殷格翰海姆的 Nieder-Ingelheim 成立了製藥公司 「百靈佳殷格翰 Boehringer Ingelheim」。我們從 1885 年成立的 28 名員工,到目前為止已發展成一家全球性企業,涵蓋三個業務領域:人類處方用藥、動物保健和生物製劑委託生產與製造。 

In 1885, Albert Boehringer (1861-1939) founded the pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim in Nieder-Ingelheim, today a part of Ingelheim am Rhein. Since its beginnings in 1885 when it employed just 28 people, the company has become a global enterprise, with three business areas: Human Pharma, Animal Health, and Biopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing. 


百靈佳殷格翰 企業起源與進程 介紹影片

該影片製作於企業132歲時,部分資料與今日略有不同。 Learn more about the history of the innovative pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim.


Living Independence

Boehringer Ingelheim’s corporate culture is based on values that have been applied since the foundation of the company in 1885.